
Course Description

The chances of being misunderstood, or not feeling heard, increase dramatically as your workplace and community become more diverse. As a Listening Leader, your ability to create an inclusive environment will become increasingly valued. When backgrounds and priorities are dissimilar, the ability to listen well becomes one of the most effective tools available to foster understanding and facilitate respectful dialogue. As the world becomes more complex, ethical challenges also increase. Effective listening enables you to recognize ethical dilemmas and helps you evaluate the information you hear. The rapid escalation in the use of communication technologies further adds to the complexity of listening and decision making. Excellent listening skills are more critical than ever in navigating the online environment and effectively addressing the ethical issues that arise. As a Listening Leader, you have a tremendous opportunity to use your skills in ways that have a positive and lasting impact on your workplace. For the best experience, take all four lessons in the "Active Listening and Processing Feedback" series in order: "Assess Listening Skills", "Process and Respond to Feedback", "Facilitate a Listening Environment", and "Identify Emerging Listening Challenges."

Benefits to the Learner

  • Identify the ethical dimensions of business decisions
  • Create respectful, inclusive environments
  • Recognize and address the challenges of technology
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Aug 01, 2022 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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