
Course Description

How do you know if someone is listening? You cannot see it happening, and you cannot measure the process in any traditional way. Perceptions of listening competence have to be based on observable indicators — your response to what was heard. In this lesson, you will focus on your listening response, or the feedback you provide to peers, supervisors, and colleagues. In other words, good listeners offer feedback to the speaker and continuously process the verbal and nonverbal cues that others provide, incorporating that information to “self-monitor” and modify their own behavior. The most effective listeners seek feedback on the impact of their behavior and process that information to learn about themselves. For the best experience, take all four lessons in the "Active Listening and Processing Feedback" series in order: "Assess Listening Skills", "Process and Respond to Feedback", "Facilitate a Listening Environment", and "Identify Emerging Listening Challenges."

Benefits to the Learner

  • Process and respond to feedback
  • Increase social sensitivity 
  • Identify listening response options
  • Adapt listening to purpose and context
  • Use self-assessment results and feedback to create a personal improvement strategy
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Aug 01, 2022 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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