
Course Description

Capital campaigns are public fundraising efforts for special programs or to advance the entire organization that last only for a set amount of time. Because they are public, your organization does not want to launch a campaign with a goal that you won't be able to achieve. Organization and dedication are merely two of the things needed to plan, launch, and successfully execute a capital campaign. In this lesson, you will examine the skills needed to prepare, structure, and launch a campaign that can be successful. You will also practice gift solicitation and conduct an analysis of a past campaign. In addition, you will explore how to raise funds from other revenue sources. With increasing competition for funding and a change in the main group of donors, nonprofits need to adapt and become more creative in generating funds. You will investigate where you may have opportunities to work with community and family foundations and consider the use of lobbying and advocacy. While you have already been an advocate for your organization, this lesson will provide insight into how you can advocate with government stakeholders.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Analyze the planning and execution of a capital campaign to improve your own campaigns 
  • Evaluate other potential revenue sources to help raise funds
  • Explore the role of lobbying and advocacy in raising funds
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Aug 01, 2022 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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