
Course Description

Bats are unique animals whose biology and behaviors present specific challenges. It can be disconcerting to be presented with a bat in trouble if you haven’t worked with one before. They are so unlike other animals in form and function, but at a basic level they are mammals just like many more familiar patients. How can you use the skills you have to treat such unusual creatures? This talk is designed to get to know the native bats in the Northeast. It starts with a basic overview of what makes bats special, and the bats that occur in New York state. It then turns to their care. How are they similar to other mammals? How are they different? What are specific needs of husbandry and medical care? What are admission procedures, and how do you “settle in” a bat in trouble? Can you raise and successfully release tiny three gram pups? What kinds of parasites do bats have? What about bats and rabies? How to you talk to people who find a bat in trouble?

Benefits to the Learner

  • Be familiar with bats of New York and their care
  • Know how to identify species
  • Know talking points for the public who find bats
  • Identify specific symptoms to look out for when diagnosing injuries and illnesses in bats

Accrediting Associations

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