
Course Description

Usability and user experience are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, but the meanings are actually quite different. Usability is a measure of how usable a design is, while user experience captures the positive or negative experiences a user has when interacting with the design. Both are useful to know and can influence your design, but how you analyze and measure the two requires different approaches. In this lesson, you will further explore the definitions of usability and user experience, then examine several tools you can use to properly identify both in designs. You will also investigate how to capture usability and user experience through various metrics, and you will start to analyze what those measurements mean as well as how they can improve your designs.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Distinguish between usability and user experience
  • Identify four key metrics for measuring usability
  • Measure usability and analyze user experience using human-centered design terminology
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Apr 27, 2021 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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