
Course Description

Before you begin to build your persuasive proposal, there are three things you must do: narrow down what you are asking, determine who needs to approve what you are asking, and define the evidence that justifies what you are asking. In this lesson, you will discover ways to identify your "ask;" tailor it to your audience to gain key stakeholder support; and build your case with solid evidence that shows the benefits of approving your "ask." You will also examine how your credibility impacts the likelihood of approval.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Examine strategies for narrowing your "ask" by deciding between what you should include and what you should leave out
  • Discover how to analyze your audience so you can best present your "ask" in a way that will win support from your stakeholders
  • Explore ways to build the arguments that support your "ask," while also gathering evidence to refute any counter-arguments your stakeholders could have
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Feb 23, 2021 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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