
Course Description

In this lesson, you'll examine how practicing your message delivery will help you develop a better strategy. You will then consider the ways in which you currently use your body and voice when speaking, including how to maximize your positive delivery styles and how to minimize any negative habits. Next, you will explore different approaches to vocal variety and body language that will improve your delivery. Finally, you will practice using these public speaking tools to improve upon the delivery of your original message.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Examine how practicing your message delivery will help you develop a better strategy
  • Consider the ways in which you currently use your body and voice when speaking, including how to maximize your positive delivery styles and how to minimize any negative habits
  • Explore different approaches to vocal variety and body language that will improve your delivery
  • Practice using public speaking tools to improve upon the delivery of your message

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Jan 25, 2021 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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