
Course Description

Not all customer groups behave the same way, as they have different goals, life circumstances, and motivations. A new kitchen gadget might simultaneously appeal to a luxury catering company and an amateur chef, but the catering company might be more interested in how much time it can save in preparing hundreds of desserts, while the home chef might be more drawn to how easily an impressive gourmet effect can be achieved. Once a business knows what demographic groups it wants to sell to, it needs to learn how to provide the most value to those groups. In this lesson, you will examine the marketing choices organizations make after they identify who they will sell to. Organizations make these choices through comprehensive strategies centered around the products they sell, the price they charge, the places the product may be purchased, and the way the overall value of the product is promoted to each customer group. You will also consider each of these choices as you further develop your strategic marketing plan for your project work.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Identify target markets and customer segments
  • Describe the importance of an effective positioning plan
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Dec 21, 2020 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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