
Course Description

Real estate development projects involve millions of dollars that must be budgeted, planned, and monitored to ensure that the money is used wisely. Project feasibility and success depends on the project budget, and it is incumbent on the project manager to develop a budget that meets the needs of the owner, project team, and other key stakeholders. To be successful, project managers need to use the appropriate tools, gather accurate information, communicate regularly with team members, and proactively manage unexpected issues and costs. In this lesson, you will explore the three phases of cost management and the project manager's role in each of these phases.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Explore the three phases of cost management and the project manager’s role in each phase
  • Manage project costs by preparing a budget that accurately estimates all relevant costs and monitors progress as the project unfolds
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Oct 28, 2020 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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