
Course Description

All of us are cognitive misers, and when given the opportunity, we use mental shortcuts to make decisions. Consider the last time you bought a new product. How did you decide to buy that specific product at that price point and from that brand? Did you spend countless hours doing research to figure out how it was produced, how it compared to similar products, etc., or did you rely on something else to help you decide? Whether you realized it or not, you most likely defaulted to using a mental shortcut—like a recommendation from a friend or advice from an expert—to help you make your last purchasing decision. When people use mental shortcuts to make decisions, they are bypassing the need to think in depth or at length about what to do. In this lesson, Professor Filipowicz will cover the first, most basic level of strategic influence, and it involves using the six major types of heuristics—or mental shortcuts—to influence others' decisions.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Examine six major types of heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to aid you in influencing others’ decisions
  • Access a list of Tips for Using Heuristics for guidance on how to best approach using heuristics and how to avoid being unduly influenced by them yourself
  • Practice identifying each type of heuristic and determining how they operate on others
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self-paced (non-instructor led)
Mar 20, 2019 to Dec 31, 2030
Total Number of Hours
Course Fee(s)
Regular Price $0.00
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